
adv. 同时; 联立; 急切地;[例句]The game will be broadcast simultaneously on TV and radio.比赛将同时在电视和广播中进行转播。

adv. 同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐;例句:In this way, one event generates a thread of event delivery and thus many threads are running simultaneously.这样,一个事件将生成一个事件交付线程,因此许多线程将同时运行。

adv.同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐;例句:But doing homework and texting simultaneously isnt possible.而同时写作业和发短信则不行。


adv. 同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐;例句:In this way, one event generates a thread of event delivery and thus many threads are running simultaneously.这样,一个事件将生成一个事件交付线程,因此许多线程将同时运行。

adv.同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐;例句:But doing homework and texting simultaneously isnt possible.而同时写作业和发短信则不行。

同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐;形近词:simultaneouses 双语例句 1 They could afford to do it all simultaneously.它们有实力让这几项措施齐头并进。

adv.立即;一起;同时;立刻 [例句]several things happened at once.几件事情同时发生。i desire you to go at once.我请求你现在马上就走。


adv. 同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐;例句:In this way, one event generates a thread of event delivery and thus many threads are running simultaneously.这样,一个事件将生成一个事件交付线程,因此许多线程将同时运行。


共同地:collectively、cooperatively、concurrently、jointly、simultaneously。其他释义:jointly、along、collectively、shoulder、composed、simultaneously、side 。together的用法。get together 聚会 ; 相聚 ; *** ; 聚集。

【用法】: 作谓语;形容军队出击时的雄壮情景 【英文】: Battle drums were beaten and horns were blown simultaneously.鼓乐齐鸣 【拼音】: gǔ yuè qí míng 【解释】: 击鼓和奏乐声一齐响。形容热闹景象。

NO SOONER…THAN..就...The phrase “no sooner…than” is used to indicate that two events happened simultaneously or in quick succession. For example:短语“no sooner…than”用来表示两个事件同时发生或快速连续发生。



1、adv.同时地; 一壁; 齐; 一齐 网 络:同时地;同时;同时发生地;一齐 They all babbled simultaneously.他们同时叽里咕噜地说了起来。 The two guns fired almost simultaneously.两支枪几乎同时开火。

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